Requesting personal academic certification
- Descripción
Requesting a personal academic certification (subjects, qualifications, and calls).
- Requisitos
It should be previously paid the corresponding taxes. It’s possible to authorize a third person to get the documentation.
- Organismo responsable
Processing unit: administration of the corresponding campus or Center.
- Plazos
It is possible to apply at any moment.
- Formas de notificación
There is not a resolution
- Lugares de solicitud
Preferably in the administration in which students have made their students or through the Registration office.
Si necesita asistencia técnica puede dirigirse a las Oficinas de Asistencia en materia de registro
Students could generate the bilingual personal academic certificate through the web of academic services SIES available in the web of UniOvi.
- Solicitud online
- Online application’s service
- Precio
Fees established by the current Decree for Public Prices for each academic year.