Devolution of undue incomes
- Descripción
Applying to the devolution of undue incomes by the interested party.
- Colectivo solicitante
- Requisitos
It must be justificated documentally and clearly indicated the devolution’s reason.
- Organismo responsable
Processing unit: administration office from the campus or respective center.
- Contacto responsable
Faculties and University Schools.
- Plazos
Refunds can be requested at any time within the four years following the action which causes the issue.
- Normativa
Legislative Decree 1/1998, by which the Revised Law on Taxes and Fees is approved.
- Formas de notificación
It will be notificated by ordinary mail in the indicated direction.
- Solicitud online
- Online application’s services
- Efecto de silencio
After the course of six months after the application without an against resolution, the application shall be deemed to have been rejected
- Formas de solicitar
Form for the refund of undue payments for 1st and 2nd cycles and Degree
- Recursos
Appeal to the Rector.